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Loкі, in Scandinavian mуthоІоgy, is the Norse giant of mischief who became a god by way of some trick. This intricate family portrait shows Loki looking upon his children with fatherly love above a Nordic knot. Encircling the bottom is Loki’s son, the great world snake Jormungапd, who was fated to kill Thor during Ragnarok. The order of Loki’s children standing from visual left to right are:
Loкі is a malevolent god, an insidious rogue of the Aesir, and a lover of disguise. He started with jokes and pranks, but over time he became the true embodiment of evil and hastened Ragnarok, the death of the gods and the whole world. Loкі simply could not resist cheating and putting the gods in a difficult position. However, his ingenuity often rescued them from mortal danger.